Cat Questions
when do cats stop growing

When Do Cats Stop Growing? - How Big Will My Cat Get?

Written by Ryan Gliozzo


Wondering how big your kitten will grow? Own a cat that won't stop growing or feel worried that your cat is still growing into adulthood? Don't stress, our guide on cat growth is here to save the day and soothe any worries. With expert information and added tips, you can learn everything you need to know about your feline friend and their growth.
a cat laying at the top of the stairs


Did you know that some cat breeds can continue to grow for up to two years of age or even longer? That's right, your little ball of fur has the potential for significant growth even after they reach adulthood.

Understanding when cats stop growing and how big they will get is crucial for cat owners to ensure their furry friends' proper development and overall well-being.

Key takeaways:

  • The growth of cats can continue for up to two years of age, even after they reach adulthood. Other breeds can take even 3-4 years!

  • Understanding when cats stop growing and how big they will get is essential for proper development and health.

  • Factors such as breed, nutrition, and development stages influence a cat's size and growth rate.

  • Providing proper nutrition and monitoring growth stages can contribute to raising a healthy adult cat.

  • Consulting with a vet can help address any health issues and ensure your cat's slow growth is within a healthy range.

The growth trajectory of different cat breeds

a hand holding a sleeping kitten

Cat breeds exhibit variations in size and growth patterns, with some breeds reaching their adult size more quickly than others. Understanding the breed-specific size and development of cats is crucial to managing growth expectations.

It’s also important to recognise the differences in growth patterns between domestic and larger breeds, as well as the disparities between male and female cats.

Understanding breed-specific size and development

Cat breeds can have distinct size characteristics influenced by their genetic makeup and breed standards. For example, smaller domestic breeds such as the Singapura can reach their full size at around 24 months, while larger breeds like the Maine Coon may continue growing until they are 3-4 years old.

By familiarising themselves with the typical growth trajectory of their cat's breed, owners can better monitor and support their cat's development.
Curious about other intriguing behaviours of your feline friends, such as why they might crave greens? Find out more about why cats eat grass.

Examining the growth patterns of domestic and larger breeds

Domestic cat breeds generally experience a rapid growth phase during the first few months of life, followed by a slower rate of growth as they approach adulthood. On the other hand, larger cat breeds often undergo intermittent growth spurts, resulting in a more prolonged growth period.

These growth patterns can vary between individual cats within a breed, so it's essential to observe each cat's unique growth trajectory.

Comparing male and female cats: size differences in growth

Male and female cats also differ in their growth patterns and eventual size. Male cats, especially larger breeds, tend to be larger both in terms of length and weight compared to female cats.

They may also experience a slightly slower rate of growth compared to their female counterparts. Understanding these gender differences in growth can help owners anticipate the size their cat will reach and provide appropriate care and nutrition.

Maine Coon

  • Average adult length: 25 to 40 inches

  • Average adult weight: 11 to 25 pounds


  • Average adult length: 16 to 20 inches

  • Average adult weight: 6 to 12 pounds


  • Average adult length: 18 to 22 inches

  • Average adult weight: 7 to 12 pounds


  • Average adult length: 16 to 20 inches

  • Average adult weight: 6 to 12 pounds

Note: Actual sizes may vary within each breed based on genetics, individual variation and other factors.

When do cats stop growing?

a black kitten playing with an orange ball

The growth of cats can be divided into different stages, starting from kittenhood to adulthood. The timeline for when cats stop growing can vary depending on factors such as breed, nutrition, and development. Let's explore the different growth stages of cats and when they reach their full size.

1. Kittenhood:
During the first few weeks of life, kittens experience rapid growth. They rely on their mother's milk for proper nutrition and weight gain. At around 3-4 weeks, they begin to transition to solid food. This is an important time to provide them with a balanced diet suitable for their age and gradually introduce kitten-specific food.

2. Adolescence: As kittens enter their adolescent stage, their growth rate slows down. At around 6-9 months, most kittens have reached their full size. However, there may still be some minor growth and development until they reach sexual maturity.

3. Sexual maturity: Sexual maturity in cats usually occurs between 6-9 months of age. It is during this time that they may experience another growth spurt. Male cats tend to be slightly larger than females due to their increased muscle mass. This is also the stage when cats develop their adult teeth.

4. Adulthood: By the time cats reach their first birthday, they are considered adults and have typically stopped growing in terms of size. However, it's important to note that cats can continue to gain muscle mass until around 2-3 years of age. During adulthood, cats also reach social maturity and exhibit independent behaviour.

As your cat reaches adulthood, understanding their health becomes even more crucial. Discover how to identify and address common health issues, such as weepy eye causes and treatments.

5. Importance of veterinary check-ups:
Regular visits to the vet are crucial throughout your cat's life stages. It allows the vet to monitor their growth, ensure optimal health, and address any concerns or issues early on. Your vet can provide personalised advice on when your specific cat is expected to stop growing.

Understanding the growth stages of cats can help pet parents provide appropriate care, ensure proper nutrition, and monitor their cat's development. By being aware of when cats typically stop growing, you can support their overall health and well-being.

Factors influencing the size and growth of your cat

ginger kittens feeding off their mother

Several factors can influence the size and growth of a cat. Proper nutrition, neutering, genetics, and environmental factors all play a role in determining a cat's development and adult size.

Considering neutering your cat? Learn about its benefits beyond growth implications to understand the overall impact on pet health in our
cat neutering post.

Nutrition's role in feline growth

Nutrition is a key factor in ensuring proper growth and development in cats. Providing a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for their overall health and size. Kittens require a diet that supports their rapid growth, while adult cats need food that meets their maintenance needs.

During the transition from kittenhood to adulthood, it is important to gradually switch from kitten food to adult cat food to ensure their nutritional requirements are met. Feeding your cat poor quality or inadequate food can lead to health issues such as poor growth, nutrient deficiencies, and even kidney disease.

Consulting with a veterinarian and choosing high-quality cat food that is appropriate for your cat's life stage is crucial to promote proper growth and development.
Proper nutrition is crucial for your cat's development. For insights into selecting the best diet, explore our guide on the
best dry cat food in the UK.

How neutering can impact cat growth

Neutering, or spaying and neutering, is a surgical procedure performed to prevent cats from reproducing. While it provides numerous health benefits and helps control the cat population, it can also have an impact on a cat's growth.

Neutered cats tend to have a slower growth rate compared to intact cats. The removal of the reproductive organs affects the hormonal balance in cats, which can result in slower bone development and reduced muscle mass. It is important to monitor your cat's growth and adjust their diet and exercise routine accordingly to prevent obesity or stunted growth.

Genetics and environmental factors affecting cat size

Genetics and environmental factors also contribute to the size and growth of a cat.

Just like humans, cats inherit certain traits and characteristics from their parents. Genetic factors play a significant role in determining a cat's size, body structure, and growth potential.

Environmental factors, such as the quality of care, living conditions, and stress levels, can also influence a cat's growth. Cats that are raised in nurturing and stimulating environments tend to have better growth outcomes compared to those exposed to neglect or stress.

It is important to provide a safe and enriching environment for your cat, as well as genetic considerations, to promote proper growth and ensure they reach their full potential.

Genetics play a significant role in your cat's size and health. Learn about
the largest domestic cat breeds to see how genetics influence growth.

Factors influencing cat size and growth:

  • Nutrition - Proper diet and transition from kitten food to adult cat food

  • Neutering - Effect on growth rate, bone development, and muscle mass

  • Genetics - Inherited traits from parents, body structure, and growth potential

  • Environmental factors - Quality of care, living conditions, and stress levels


a ginger adult cat and kitten sitting next to one another on sofa

Understanding when cats stop growing and how big they will get is crucial for cat owners.

By considering factors such as breed, nutrition, and development stages, pet parents can ensure the healthy growth and development of their cats. Providing proper nutrition, monitoring growth stages, and being aware of breed-specific size can contribute to raising a happy and healthy adult cat.

One of the key factors in cat growth is proper nutrition. Ensuring that cats receive a balanced diet that meets their specific nutritional needs is essential. As cats go through different growth stages, their dietary requirements change.

Gradually transitioning from kitten food to adult cat food supports their overall development. Proper nutrition also plays a vital role in preventing health issues and promoting healthy muscle mass.

By ensuring proper nutrition, monitoring growth stages, and being aware of the breed-specific size, cat owners can raise happy and healthy adult cats.

Maintaining your cat's well-being involves understanding their growth and much more. For example, knowing
how long cats sleep can give insights into their health and happiness can also be valuable information.

Your questions answered

When do cats stop growing and how big will my cat get?

Cats reach their adult size at around 12-18 months, but the exact timeline can vary depending on factors such as breed, nutrition, and development. Larger breeds may continue to grow for several years. The size of your cat will depend on its breed and individual genetics. It's best to consult with your veterinarian for a more accurate estimate of your cat's potential size.

What factors influence the size and growth of a cat?

Several factors can influence a cat's size and growth. Nutrition plays a crucial role in proper growth and development. Providing a balanced and nutritious diet and transitioning from kitten food to adult cat food, is important. Neutering can also impact growth, as it may slow down certain growth processes.

Genetics and environmental factors can also contribute to a cat's size and growth trajectory.

In addition to the factors listed, understanding potential health concerns is key. Our article on diabetes in cats offers insights into how health issues can affect your cat's growth and overall well-being.

What are the growth stages of cats?

Cats go through different growth stages, starting from kittenhood to adulthood. During the first 6-12 months, kittens experience rapid growth, both in terms of size and weight gain. They also go through teething, with their baby teeth being replaced by adult teeth. Around 10-12 months, cats reach sexual maturity. Full physical growth and development, including muscle mass and social maturity, are usually achieved by 12-18 months. However, cats may continue to develop emotionally and socially throughout their lives.

What are the size differences between male and female cats?

Male cats tend to be larger and heavier than their female counterparts. This is due to both genetic and hormonal factors. Male cats typically have a larger body size and more muscular build compared to females. However, individual genetics and breed-specific traits can also influence the size differences between male and female cats.

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