Dog Breeds
do cockapoos shed

Do Cockapoos Shed? Cockapoo Grooming Tips, Shedding FAQs and More

Written by Ryan Gliozzo


Do Cockapoos Shed? Not as much as other breeds. Learn the answers to all your shedding questions about Cockapoos in our grooming guide.
A brown Cockapoo standing on a floral rug.


Imagine the joy of bringing home a new Cockapoo puppy, setting up their bowls, giving them a cute name, enjoying their playful temperament and lighting up your home.

But what about your precious pup's coat? Will they shed as they grow? Will I be plucking hairs from my clothes and furniture? Let's find out!

So do Cockapoos shed a lot? Many pet parents have diverse experiences, from minimal shedding to a surprising amount, often turning to anecdotal evidence in their quest for answers but don't fret, our expert guide is below.

Key takeaways

  • Cockapoo shedding varies widely due to their mixed breed lineage but cockapoos are generally considered a low shedding breed.

  • Regular brushing can help manage any shedding, especially during the transition to an adult coat.

  • Curly coats inherited from Poodles tend to shed less.

  • Seasonal changes may trigger increased shedding or 'blow coat' periods.

  • Even low-shedding Cockapoos are not completely hypoallergenic.

A Cockapoo sitting on a brown leather reclining chair.

Do Cockapoos shed?

Cockapoos generally shed less than other breeds and most Cockapoos don't shed much at all. However, this hybrid breed combines the Cocker Spaniel with the Poodle, so it brings a mix of both worlds in terms of coat types and shedding patterns.

For more insights on their unique coats, you can read about different
Cockapoo coat types and colours here.

The genetics behind Cockapoo shedding

The genetics behind a Cockapoo’s coat can significantly influence shedding levels.

A Cockapoo puppy may inherit a variety of coat types from its parents. Generally, a
Cockapoo with a Poodle-like hair type tends to shed less than one with a Cocker Spaniel-like coat.

Additionally, multigenerational cockapoos might have different shedding characteristics, as selective breeding often aims to favour low-shedding traits.

Thus, the level of shedding depends on the lineage and specific genetic traits each Cockapoo inherits.

What affects shedding

Several factors can affect a Cockapoo’s shedding, including:

  • Age: As a Cockapoo puppy grows, it transitions from its puppy coat to an adult coat. This change can influence how much your dog sheds.

  • Season: Similar to other dog breeds, Cockapoos may shed more during certain seasons as they adapt to weather changes.

  • Health and nutrition: A veterinarian can provide insights into how a balanced diet and good health practices can reduce excessive shedding and enhance the quality of a Cockapoos coat.

Pet parents can observe these factors to manage and understand their Cockapoo’s shedding behaviours better.

Hypoallergenic qualities

While no dog breed is entirely hypoallergenic, the hypoallergenic qualities of Cockapoos are an attractive feature for allergy sufferers.

These qualities often stem from the Poodle lineage, which typically produces less dander and loose hair.

The reduced shedding from Poodle-like hair can result in fewer allergic reactions, making Cockapoos a favourable choice for those sensitive to pet allergens.

You can read more about how Cockapoos compare to other similar breeds in our
Cockapoos vs. Cavapoos guide.

Understanding the specific coat types and managing their care accordingly can greatly enhance the experience of owning a Cockapoo.

From genetics to health, each aspect contributes to how much your dog will shed and their overall coat quality.


Impact on shedding


Determined by their coat type inherited from parent breeds


Puppies transitioning to adult coats may shed more


Shedding can increase during season changes

Health & nutrition

Proper diet and care can reduce excessive shedding

A red-coloured Cockapoo laying on his back on laminate flooring.

Cockapoo grooming tips

Grooming your Cockapoo is essential to keep their curly coats healthy and reduce shedding.

Given their mixed breed heritage, Cockapoos require consistent care to prevent matting and ensure their coats stay in top condition.

For grooming style ideas, visit our Cockapoo haircuts guide with pictures.

Regular brushing

One of the easiest ways to maintain a Cockapoos coat is through regular brushing.

Utilising a slicker brush daily helps to eliminate loose hair and prevent matting. Pups tend to benefit greatly from this routine, especially those with curlier coats inherited from their Poodle parents.

This practice provides both physical care and mental stimulation for your canine companion.


Brushing and bathing should go hand-in-hand in a Cockapoo's grooming routine. Regular baths, followed by a nice, relaxing brush through, can significantly help in managing shedding.

It's advisable to bathe your Cockapoo at least once a month, although frequency can vary based on the dog’s activity level and coat type.

Baths are particularly effective when combined with brushing and hygiene routines to keep their floppy ears and other susceptible areas clean.

Professional grooming

While home grooming is vital, visits to a professional groomer with a proper Cockapoo haircut can't be overlooked.

Scheduling professional grooming sessions at least twice a year is crucial. Groomers can handle complex grooming and hygiene tasks like trimming around the ears and private parts, ensuring your Cockapoo remains mat-free.

These sessions are especially important for Cockapoos with denser, spaniel side coats, which may be higher maintenance than their poodle side counterparts.


Home grooming

Professional grooming


Daily brushing, monthly bathing

Twice a year

Tools required

Slicker brush, shampoo

Professional grooming kit

Target areas

Entire coat, especially curly areas

Ears, private parts, dense undercoats


Mental stimulation, coat health maintenance

Prevents matting, enhances coat quality

Effective grooming strategies, combining home care and professional help, ensure that your Cockapoo remains a happy and healthy companion, boasting all the hypoallergenic qualities of their poodle heritage along with the charm of their Spaniel side.

A birds eye view image of the top of a Cockapoos head.


Cockapoos don't shed much, so they are great for those allergic to pet hair. Their mix of genes leads to this low-shedding trait. To keep their coats in top shape, regular grooming is a must.

Grooming your Cockapoo means brushing daily. Also, it's good to have them professionally groomed sometimes. This routine keeps their coat healthy and prevents shedding hair around the house.

Eating well, exercising their minds, and seeing the vet regularly are also key for your Cockapoo's overall health. By managing these, you ensure your dog is happy and healthy. So, don't forget regular grooming. It's essential for a happy Cockapoo with a beautiful coat.

Answering your questions

Do Cockapoos shed a lot?

Cockapoos are known to be low-shedding. The amount they shed can change with their coat type.

If they take after the Poodle more, they usually shed very little. Those with a coat like the Cocker Spaniel may shed more.

What are the hypoallergenic qualities of Cockapoos?

While no dog is entirely hypoallergenic, Cockapoos rank well because of their low-shedding, low-dander coats.

This quality is boosted by their Poodle heritage.

How does the coat type affect Cockapoo shedding?

Shedding in Cockapoos depends on their coat type. Those with Poodle-like curly hair usually shed less.

On the other hand, Cockapoos with waiver, Cocker Spaniel-like coats might shed more. Regular grooming helps lessen shedding, no matter their coat type.

What are some Cockapoo grooming tips?

Use a slicker brush for regular brushing. Baths with a gentle, dog shampoo are also important.

These steps help manage shedding and keep the coat healthy. Professional grooming every few months is also a good idea.

Does the shedding frequency change as Cockapoos age?

Shedding in Cockapoos might change as they grow up. Puppies could lose their first coat as they mature.

However, adult Cockapoos usually stick to a consistent shedding pattern. This is often less if they got more of the Poodle's hair type.

How often should a Cockapoo be groomed professionally?

Ideally, Cockapoos should see a professional groomer every six to eight weeks. This helps maintain their coat. It also prevents matting and cuts down on shedding.

Can regular grooming reduce Cockapoo shedding?

Regular grooming indeed helps manage shedding. This includes brushing and baths. It's vital for removing loose hair and preventing matting. A steady grooming routine is key to controlling your Cockapoo's shedding.

What kind of brush is best for a Cockapoo?

For Cockapoos, a slicker brush works best. It gets rid of loose hair and helps avoid tangles and mats. Using it regularly can lessen the amount of hair you find around the house.

Do Cockapoos shed seasonally?

Some Cockapoos might shed more in certain seasons. However, this is not as noticeable as in some other breeds. Regular grooming can keep seasonal shedding in check.

Can a Cockapoo’s diet affect their shedding?

Yes, a healthy diet is essential for your Cockapoo's coat and shedding. Talk to your vet about a diet that will keep your dog's coat in great shape. This can help with shedding.

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