Dog Questions
can dogs eat crisps

Can Dogs Eat Crisps? A Not So Healthy Potato Snack

Written by Ryan Gliozzo


Can your dog eat crisps safely? Learn about potential health risks and better snack options for a healthy pooch.
An overweight dog looking up at a crinkle-cut crisp.


For many of us, sharing our snacks is an expression of love. However, when it comes to your bag of crisps, it’s best to reconsider sharing them with your furry friend.

It’s difficult to resist their pleading gaze, but this scenario begs a vital question – can dogs actually eat crisps?

Despite their crunchy allure and flavours, crisps are not a healthy choice for our canine companions.

High salt content, lack of nutritional value and the potential for harmful ingredients such as onion or garlic powder mean that crisps are not suitable for dogs. Let's explore further.

Key takeaways

  • Crisps aren’t good for dogs and can lead to serious health issues.

  • The high salt content found in crisps can harm your dog by causing dehydration and sodium poisoning.

  • Ingredients like onion and garlic powder found in many crisps are toxic to dogs.

  • Crisps offer no nutritional value and contribute empty calories that can lead to weight gain.

  • Healthier alternatives such as fresh fruits and vegetables are better for your dog when sharing a snack.

A close up of potato crisps.

Can dogs eat crisps?

Many dog owners might wonder if it's safe to occasionally share a packet of crisps with their furry friend.

However, the high salt content and the presence of ingredients like onion or garlic in certain flavoured crisps make them an unsuitable option for dog treats.

Onion, garlic and
leeks are all allium genus vegetables that are a danger to dogs.

Can dogs eat prawn cocktail crisps?

Prawn cocktail crisps, loved by many for their tangy and sweet flavour, might be tempting to offer your furry friend.

Unfortunately, they contain a high salt content and ingredients such as onion or garlic, which are toxic for dogs.

Consuming even a small amount of these crisps can lead to dehydration, salt poisoning, or potentially serious health consequences.

Therefore, it's best to refrain from giving prawn cocktail crisps to your dog.

Can dogs eat salt and vinegar crisps?

Salt and vinegar crisps are another popular flavour that dog owners might consider sharing. However, these crisps have a high salt content, which can be particularly harmful to dogs.

Too much salt in a dog's diet can lead to health problems such as dehydration and salt poisoning.

The vinegar ingredient and any potential onion or garlic flavouring can further contribute to the toxicity risk.

Thus, it's advised to avoid feeding salt and vinegar crisps to your furry companion.

While it's easy to reach for a packet of crisps when looking to treat your dog, their high salt content and harmful ingredients like onion or garlic make them a poor choice.

Instead, explore healthier dog treats to keep your furry friend safe and healthy.

A brown dog trying to eat his owner's crisps.

Understanding why crisps are bad for dogs

Feeding dogs crisps can be detrimental to their health for various reasons.

It is essential to understand these drawbacks to make informed decisions for your pet's well-being. Let's delve into the specifics.

High salt content

The high salt content in crisps is particularly harmful to dogs. Even a significant amount of crisps can lead to excessive sodium intake, causing dehydration and sodium poisoning.

This is especially true for seasoned crisps that often contain added salt and other harmful ingredients found in crisps.

High-fat levels

High levels of fat in crisps can lead to gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhoea.

Regular consumption can lead to weight gain, making it dangerous for dogs.

Unlike crisps manufactured for humans, dog-friendly alternatives do not pose such risks.

Potential toxic ingredients

Many crisps contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs, such as onion and garlic powders.

These seasoned crisps can lead to anaemia and other severe health problems.

Always keep crisps in hand away from pets to avoid accidental ingestion.

Empty calories

Crisps are calorie-dense but offer no beneficial nutrients, making them an unhealthy choice for dogs.

Eating a significant amount of crisps can lead to weight gain, contributing to obesity and its associated health risks.

Dogs that eat prawn cocktail crisps, for example, are consuming empty calories that do nothing for their health.

Alternative dog-friendly snacks

For those who want to give their dog a snack but worry about the dangers of crisps, there are several healthy and safe alternatives that can be more beneficial.

Instead of feeding your dog a whole bag of crisps, consider these options:

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables can be a healthy snack for your dog. Apples, strawberries, mangoes, bananas and carrots are particularly good options as they provide essential vitamins and fibre.

These snacks, although they are not designed for dogs, will still help keep your dog healthy without the high salt and fat content found in many crisps.

Commercial dog treats

There are many dog treats available that are formulated for canines. These treats are often made from corn, milk, meat or other safe ingredients, free from harmful additives like garlic and onion powder.

Commercial treats can give crisps for dogs a run for their money by being more nutritious and fitting well within a balanced diet which meets your dog's needs.

Homemade dog treats

If you want to give your dog something extra special, consider making homemade dog treats.

You have control over the ingredients, ensuring a safe and healthy treat for your dog.

Human foods such as peanut butter and cooked chicken can be excellent ingredients for homemade treats.

Be cautious to avoid using harmful ingredients like garlic and onion powder.

One benefit is that homemade options can be customised to your dog's preferences and dietary requirements.

A dog laying on a couch trying to steal crisps from his pregnant owner.


In summary, while it may be occasionally safe for dogs to consume one or two plain, unsalted potato chips, it is generally best to avoid allowing dogs to eat crisps of any kind.

These snacks are bad for dogs due to their
high sodium content, excess fat, and potentially toxic ingredients such as certain flavourings.

Even in small amounts, crisps can lead to significant health issues ranging from acute gastrointestinal distress, such as vomiting and diarrhoea, to more serious conditions like sodium poisoning.

Crisps offer no nutritional value to your pet, making them an unnecessary and risky option.

Instead of crisps, consider healthier alternatives that contribute to your dog's well-being.

Suitable dog food and specially formulated treats ensure your furry friend gets the required nutrients without the harmful side effects of salty snacks.

Should you suspect your dog has consumed an unhealthy amount of crisps, it is crucial to consult a vet promptly to safeguard their health.

All Waggel members get free,
unlimited access to Joii - a 24/7 online vet care provider who can provide professional advice without you having to leave home.

Waggel Pet Insurance

Need more help? You're in luck if you're a Waggel Pet Insurance member. Along with our excellent coverage, we offer access to a 24/7 online vet to answer all your sticky questions, especially if you need grooming assistance.

Not a member? Why not get a quote now and cover your furry friend for a range of illnesses, all while enjoying our amazing perks and rewards.

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